The Life of Jesus

Many people have read about the life of Jesus Christ but few people truly understand what he was attempting to accomplish while here on this earth. It is remarkable to think that he spend so much time preparing for his mortal ministry and in the process didn’t even take the time to write scripture of his own. While critics may use this to try and disprove the existence of an individual that we recognize and Jesus the Christ we can use this information to analyze what Christ was trying to accomplish while here on the earth. Jesus was born into humble circumstances and spent his time learning a trade that was not related to actual gospel teaching. The life of a carpenter is not one that would initially come to mind when considering a profession that lends to spiritual maturity. This being said, why did Jesus choose to come to a family and be raised as a carpenter’s son?

The answer is truly quite simple. He did this to show that he was on our same level. Christ our God was not looking for fame or fortune. He does not care about the praise of the world. He had one mission in his life and he wanted to make it clear that he was here for nothing else. This mission to be our Savior and Redeemer through his death and resurrection.

Christ’s life became something of a historic tale once it was recorded by his disciples in the New Testament. I find it most interesting that over the course of his life the best records we have are of his last few years or mortal ministry. The mortal ministry of Jesus is something that we can truly wrap our mind around. During the mortal ministry of Jesus the Christ he spends his time teaching a different path than that which was established among the customs of the Jews. He teaches of forgiveness, love, patience, and long suffering. His message is one of peace and finding hope in a world that was often cruel.

These are the exact messages that people need today. People need hope. Hope is what drives us to be better as a species and to overcome adversity. Without hope we will and have failed even as a collective. Also there is the principle of love. We need to first love others before we make judgments and execute decisions. When we can first look within ourselves and view each person with love we can make righteous decisions that will lead to the betterment of all mankind.

Jesus is more than love. Jesus is what moves us all. He is the driving force to our each breath and decision. If we learn to harness what he has created within each of us we can accomplish the greatness that he has outlined within our bible. There is no reason to doubt our purpose or what we can do in the name of Christ our Savior.

These words are made available to you through the thoughtful contributions of many members of our congregation. We want to give special thanks to those who have been trained in ACLS online, PALS, and BLS certification. through their valiant efforts we can live safer knowing healthcare providers with online ACLS certification are close in the event of an emergency.